Mar 6, 2021 | Burnout, Leadership, Self-care
Avoid burnout and overcome weariness Facebook0Twitter0Linkedin0Instagram0X I’ve been speaking to leaders who are experiencing a weariness with lockdown and know they need to find new ways to handle the situation. If this is you, you are not alone. In my coaching work,...
Jul 8, 2020 | Busyness, Resilience, Self-care
The secret to making time for yourself when you’re busy Photo by Victor Jakovlev Facebook0Twitter0Linkedin0Instagram0X COVID has seen a collapse of work-life boundaries and a merging of both as we’ve adapted to doing everything from home – work,...
Apr 18, 2020 | COVID-19, Mental health, Self-care
When it’s OK not to be OK with this virus Danielle MacInnes Facebook0Twitter0Linkedin0Instagram0X We are nearly 5 weeks into COVID-19 self-isolation / lockdown in my house and mercifully my daughter’s cough has finally got better. My children have been...